The symposium is archived at youtube.com/@polishedsolid and vimeo.com/polishedsolid
Prince #TripleThreat40 Symposium
Friday, March 31, 2023–Sunday, April 2, 2023
At NYU in Brooklyn, New York
The first in-person polished solid symposium since 2019
Celebrating Prince for 40 years of the albums
Vanity 6
What Time Is It?
3 Days
11 Panels Total
17 Presentations
5 Roundtable Discussions
1 Keynote
40+ Speakers
Continued Thanks To Our Sponsors!
#TripleThreat40 is a polished solid production, curated by De Angela L. Duff and co-produced by princesyllabus.org!
This event is FREE, but please consider donating to the PRN Alumni Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit officially formed in 2017 and founded by former employees of Paisley Park and the international icon Prince. The group’s mission is to continue the generosity of their late boss who supported opportunities for underprivileged youth to grow in music, tech, arts, and education, and helped alumni members in need. The foundation also supports urban farming initiatives that create sources of healthy foods where they are otherwise scarce. To learn more about the PRN Alumni Foundation, visit prnalumni.org.
The Estate of Prince Rogers Nelson is not affiliated, associated or connected with the ‘Prince #TripleThreat40 Symposium,’ nor has it endorsed or sponsored the ‘Prince #TripleThreat40 Symposium.’ Further, the Estate of Prince Rogers Nelson has not licensed any of its intellectual property to the producers, advertisers or directors of ‘Prince #TripleThreat40 Symposium.’